And the Award Goes to…..

Wow-Wee! I was nominated…. TWICE for the Liebster Award. I’m so honored and humbled. This Award is for newbie bloggers, so it’s awesome to be recognized for my blog, especially in such a short amount of time!


I was nominated by Jonny B of Blog For Your Life and Alison from Fabulous and Us. I suggest you to check out their blogs. It’s a great way to find new and exciting blogs you can connect with!

Questions from Jonny3694737_orig

1. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging to share my love for DIYing and to give my friends and family an opportunity to keep in touch. This is why my blog includes DIY and Lifestyle content.

2. What is your plan or goal that you wanna reach trough blogging?

I’d love to be able to make blogging a reliable source of income. 

3. Where do you get inspiration for your writing?

I’m a mover and a shaker. I’m always working on something or researching a new project. I find ideas from magazines, pinterest, friends, and family.

4. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a blog?

DO IT! Why the heck not? It’s a great community and it’s a lot of fun… work, but it’s fun work.

5. What other hobbies do you have?

I love SUP, playing with my pups, anything on the water, being outside, live music, porch sitting, crafting, spending time with family, and raising my little man!

6. What is the best book that you can recommend?

I love “A Dog Purpose”. It is a great read for dog lovers. Make sure you have the tissues!

7. If you could relocate with your family, where would it be?

This is so easy, Wilmington, North Carolina. It is where I met my husband and where we fell in love. It’s a beautiful city with great food! Plus it’s right on the water, which I can never get enough of!

8. What is the number 1 thing on your bucket list, and why?

Run a half-marathon, which is in the works. I’ve signed up for the Rock ‘n Roll Half in New Orleans this February. Not sure what will replace that….

9. How do you like to spend your free time?

I spend my free time with family, finishing up a project, or coming up with my next project 🙂

10. What is the one quote that you think it suits you best?

You can sleep when you’re dead.

Thank you Jonny for these fun questions.

Next up – Questions from Alison


  1. How are you today?

Amazing! The little one slept a lot last night and was very good today. I was able to get a lot done 🙂 Not to mention he’s been contently laying next to me babbling for the last hour while I check up on the blog. How did I get so lucky?

2. What’s your favorite thing about running your blog?

Coming up with new projects and sharing them with the blogging community!

3. Which songs best represent you and your life?

Domino by Jessie J – “I’m feeling sexy and freeeeee” This song gets me pumped each time and reminds me of college.

5. What is your guilty pleasure?

Being home alone and sitting in silence! The TV is always on when the hubby is home, so it’s nice to have the quiet.

6. Where do you see your blog in five years?

Ah – 5 years? That seems so far away. I see Yellow Dog Pink Pig giving me the opportunity to grow my network and helping people all over the world with different projects. Along with hopefully helping to pay some bills!

7. What’s the ultimate message you’d like to pass on to your readers?

Try something new and don’t shy away from failure. It is from failure that we learn the most.

Thank you Jonny and Alison for challenging me with these questions and the honor of being nominated. I’ve nominated the following:

  1. Emma from I am Emma Wilson
  2. Stephanie from Fit Found Me
  3. Sammy from Bargain Baglady
  4. Laura from The Mamma Fairy
  5. Jenny from Midwife and Life
  6. Jen from Good Work
  7. Brian from The Sentimental Mama
  8. Dan from Confessions of a 21st Century Dad

I challenge you to answer the following and nominate 5 other outstanding new bloggers with under 200 followers. Remember to create a post answering these questions and thank the blogger who nominated you!

  1. What is the name of your blog and what is it’s significance?
  2. What would be the title of your autobiography?
  3. What is one thing you cannot live without?
  4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Your blog?
  5. What movie star would you want to cast as yourself?

Thank you again to Jonny and Alison!


Don’t Miss a Thing from Yellow Dog Pink Pig!

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4 thoughts on “And the Award Goes to…..

  1. lelaburris says:

    Congrats! Blogging award nominations are so much fun when you are just starting out and you definitely deserve to be recognized. Love you site and can’t wait to see more. Thanks for sharing at Inspiration Thursday and I hope to see you again this week!


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